Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Violent video games should not be banned

Why Violent video games should not be banned Introduction The essay is an argumentative one; violent games should not be banned. Recently there has been an endless and fierce debate on whether or not to banned violent video games. For instance, the countries that constitute the European Union are planning to ban some of the European games. However, it is the view of the majority of video games just like any other games are there to educate and entertain.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why Violent Video Games Should not be Banned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although there are strong reasons brought forth by those who want violent video games to be banned here are reasons why we should not; increases self-esteem, reduction of pain, encourages teamwork, sharpening players’ wit among others (Sterngold, 2006). With regards to those in support of banning the game they hold the view that the games continuously poison the minds of the viewers especially th e young individuals. The argument in support of violent video games It is worth noting that there are indeed strong points that need to be given a second thought before we rush in banning violent video games. It has been argued and even proved that when kids play such games especially when the multiplayer type of game is available, then the children get to learn at a very early age to work as teammate which require teamwork. Arguably, this is advantageous as it helps in keeping children together in times of needs (Lebrilla, 2010). For this matter when they grow up, such individuals will be in a better position to be good team players. This concept has been currently deemed very vital in ensuring the success of an organization. Through the game, it is indeed tough to beat the opponent. However, through concentration, acquisition of skills and knowledge on how to win which has been learned from each other, children are capable of the emerging winner. With this, they grow knowing that to win, there is a need to have a team behind. As suggested by Bissell, 2008 violent video games have been thought to help especially those with very high tempers to release their anger by not hurting anybody. When very angry and one feels like inflicting pain on another human being, or even kill others, it has been thought appropriate to transfer such anger to violent video games. When one engages in a shoot out with an enemy in a video game, he/she might feel that the mission is accomplished.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Aside from assisting young individuals to sharpen their wits and problem-solving skills, violent video game plays a significant role in helping young individuals even a few older members of the society to learn how to persevere. On the same line of thought, these games have made it possible for people to have a well-coordinated hand and eye movement (Cr aig et al. 2007). This has helped in making sure that reflex action/response is normal. The advantage of this is that it will play a significant role in keeping progressive illnesses at bay. Another major point that is in support of violent video games is that it helps in sustaining the country’s economy. It is apparent that the industry of violent video games has played a significant role in the economic growth of the country. The export of the same product to other nation generates foreign income for the country. Additionally, a good number of Americans derive their daily bread from the same industry (Konijn et al., 2007). For this reason, banning of violent video games will mean that the unemployment rate will go up and the money generated from the industry will be lost. The industry generates close to 21 billion dollars annually (Jones Ponton, 2003). Additionally, doctors have proved that despite violent games being useful; releasing anger, it is also helpful in helping a patient reduce pain. The current efforts hospitals show this is making to install such games. More importantly, the games help in entertaining the plays as well as the viewers. Just like when people feel entertained in watching a football match violent game provide the same to the affected party. Considering the fact that slightly over 70.0% of American teens play these games, if it is banned then they will indulge in even more risky activities in their quest to be entertained for instance drug abuse (Goldstein, 1998). Argument against violent video games It would not be rational if the argument that supports the banning of violent games are not brought to light. It has been brought in the violent limelight game pollutes the minds of American children.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why Violent Video Games Should not be Banned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When a young individual engages too much in these game s, they are addicted. The result is that they will grow up and may put into practice what they saw. A recent incidence where a student walked in an institution of learning and started shooting at others killing them on the spot has been linked to violent video games (Anderson Dill, 2000). Similarly, just like any other thing that can bring addiction, violent video game when making a young individual addicted can be detrimental in their quest to learning. This is because most of the time, whenever they are free will, spend time playing such games (Ferguson, 2008). Although it has been argued that the game fosters socialization skills, it is evident that when one plays in non-multiplayer support, they grow up being persons with poor skills to socialize. Conclusion From the review of the issue of violent games, even though the game is intense, banning it will bring more harm than good. For those who advocate for the banning, it would be rational to critically analyze the benefits of t he game to individuals and even the society at large. For instance, it enhances teamwork, helps reduce pain, aid in releasing anger, and improves wit and hand-eye coordination among others. However, the disadvantages include polluting or poisoning young individuals, and addiction eats their time hence cannot engage actively in other vital activities. This thus warrants careful consideration from relevant stakeholders such as parents and the government. References Anderson, C. Dill, K. (2000). â€Å"Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior in the Laboratory and In Life.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(4):722. Ferguson, C. (2008). â€Å"Blazing Angels or Resident Evil? Can Violent Video Games Be a Force for Good?, Review of General Psychology, 14(1): 68-81Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Konijn, E. et al. (2007). I Wish I Were a Warrior: The Role of Wishful Identification in the Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggression in Adolescent Boys. Developmental Psychology, 43(1): 1-12 Craig, A. et al. (2007). Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. Oxford University: Oxford University Press. Bissell, T. (2008). Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter. New York: Macmillan Publishers. Sterngold, A. (2006). â€Å"Violent video games† Web. Jones, G. Ponton, L. (2003). Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence. New York: Basic Books. P. 172. Goldstein, J. (1998). Why We Watch; The Attraction of Violent Entertainment. Oxford University Oxford University Press. P. 188

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